

 "N a t u r e   N a t u r e s"  

DeTox-Clean It Up   
                              Engelska Magasinet,  Rejmyre Art Lab, Rejmyre glasbruk 5 sep-30 okt 2020

"In Temporay Separation III " 
Konstfrämjandet i Värmland, Konsthall Åttkanten

2016  07/20- 08/24 

"In Temporary Separation ll"  
W a t e r   R e s e a r c h   A r e a
främjandet Värmland 

"Går det att separera jordens vatten med hjälp av gränser - Kan vatten infångas?"

I arbetet med att samla in och uppleva vatten från olika kuster och sjöar runt Östersjön har jag inspireras av Leonardo da Vincis (1457-1519) många anteckningar från sina studier kring vatten - allt livs nödvändiga vätska på jorden
Hur möts vår moderna syn och da Vincis insiktsfulla iakttagelser med vår hantering av vatten idag- 500 år senare?
Water from various lakes and shores around the Baltic Sea has been collected and are kept isolated in separate containers. The installation is a part of an ongoing project and intends to put focus on the present state of my work inspired of the 500 years old manuscripts of Lenoardo da Vinci studies of water, and the way we are treating our water on Earth. 
It is an evolving project which started as a Light Installation 2015 for the Beepositive Lightfestival in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Dec 2015- feb 2016   
 R  e  g  å  g  s  o  r  m  e  n
Serpent Light II   Rådhustaket Söderköping, Nyår
. . .  

7-11 Oktober  2015                             Participating at 
5 th International Light Festival
Vilnius, Lithuania Oct 2015
Mystical Waters, Nordic Reflection with support from Nordic Culture Found
Artwork with Light

 I N    T E M P O R A R Y    S E P A R A T I O N    

30 bottles, each containing water captured from different places, lakes and shores all around Baltic Sea. The bottles of water are mounted on sticks of gradually height, forming a wave. Each water is lit in various bluecolored light. When seeing the installation from above the sticks are in a connected line, forming a recumbent 8, the symbol of Eternity. 

”Running from here to there, upward
 and downward; never resting in serenity,
always hastens towards where fluid is missing 
on its way towarrds a reunion with the sea.”... 
/ Leonardo Da Vinci 
Extract from studies of the water in 1500 century. Manuscript; Ar codex 210 r, British Library. A free interpretation

September 9th 2014   

>> In Through Out >>    
får specialomnämnande för konstnärlig ljusgestaltning i tävlingen Svenska Ljuspriset.
Awarded special diploma in this year's round of competition Swedish Lighting Award.

Thank you David Johansson, Niklas Jurander, Julia Svärd, Peab, Lambertsson
and all of you others who has participated in the project during this two years for a fantastic result!
Welcome to experience "In-Through-Out"  Industrigatan- Östgötagatain Linköping, Sweden 
...when night falls and in daylight as well!

In-Through- Out

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Juni-September 2014

U P  T H E   T R E E   x  4    Dold Konst längs Göta kanal. Participation in Hidden Art with Meteor

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November 2013

I N - T H R O U G H - O U T   alla luci di Fibonacci 
Permanent utsmyckning för gång- och cykeltunnel. Industrigatan-Östgötagatan, Linköping.  
Invigd november 2013   

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                                                     Mer om  projektet



 C a p e l l a   L u m i n a    - L j u s k o j a n
 The Light Hut
Permanent in 2013

  Vinterljus 2013   i samarbete med ljusdesigner David Johansson


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